The Future of Roads

Advancements in technology are out-pacing the way we think of our roads. The future of roads will need to look very different, if our vital infrastructure is to keep the global economy moving and address the longstanding issues of safety and the environment.

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Download the Future of Roads Report

HG Ventures' Future of Roads report highlights the shift in thinking required if our road infrastructure is to maintain its role in enabling the global economy to function effectively. There are exciting technologies emerging from multinational companies and entrepreneurial startups alike. There are government-funded pilot programs, VC-backed prototypes and bootstrapped blue sky thinkers whose ingenuity has the potential to transform roads systems over the coming decades.

The report features technologies that have the potential to solve the challenges of congestion, safety and sustainability, including: Inductive charging for electric vehicles (EVs), vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) technology, and self-healing and lower-carbon road building materials.

We hope you'll read the report and be part of the discussion.
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We convened an action-packed conference of thought leaders who share a vision of a future for roads that is safe, efficient and sustainable.

Speakers talked about more sustainable and durable materials, the incorporation of electrification, management of autonomous vehicles, technologies to improve flow and reduce traffic accidents, and pervasive AI.

Learn more by reading the Future of Roads Event Summary.

Backlog of Road Repairs in US
Transportation Sector GHG Emissions
Projected Cars on the Road by 2040 (Global)
US Roads in Poor or Mediocre Condition

The Role of Technology in Securing Vital Infrastructure

“And in many instances, the real innovation is taking place not in the R&D centers of established technology giants, but in the tiny laboratories and rented offices of startups.”

Read The Future of Roads Report

Report Highlights

  • checkmark Innovations in the construction, maintenance, and operation of roads can make our infrastructure safer, more reliable, and more sustainable.
  • checkmark Asphalt is already one of the world’s most recycled materials... Advances in materials science could see the amount of recycled materials increase over time.
  • checkmark Smart pavements are embedded with technology that enables them to communicate with vehicles, pedestrians, and other devices in real-time.
  • checkmark IoT offers unprecedented opportunities to enhance road safety, improve traffic efficiency, and promote sustainable transportation solutions.

Throughout the world, there is a wealth of innovation taking place that addresses the issues of safety; capacity and congestion; sustainability; and efficiency. Exciting technologies are emerging from multinational companies and entrepreneurial startups alike.

Download The Future of Roads Report to learn more.